The internet is changing education

 Technology changing education: A must-read for all school systems

What is changing the way we educate our kids? Is it the internet? Virtual education? Digital textbooks? Or is it something else entirely? Regardless, the internet is changing education forever. Internet education is the next big thing in education and it will have a profound impact on every school system in the USA. We need widespread adoption of the internet in education to compete in an ever-changing digital world. We have to have engaged and informed youth to see a lasting and productive digital future. The way we teach kids will almost certainly be an important part of this transformation. Here are some main changes that need to be addressed in order to see a lasting digital future in our schools.


We have seen an increase in digital literacy among our kids since the advent of the internet. Today, kids are more likely to use the internet when they are in school. They are more likely to have access to social media and more likely to be online during school hours. This increases the potential for digital disruption throughout the school system. Digital technology is not just a kid's New Technology; it's also a parent's New Technology. As a result, we need to be actively working to manage the digital transformation in our schools.


School libraries


We have seen a decline in the number of school libraries in the last decade or so. There are now about a dozen in our country, but these are only about half the size they were back in the 1980s. The number of online school libraries is increasing, but the number of traditional school libraries is still extremely high. It's important to remember that libraries were once berets of academia. They were not meant to be the primary sources of information for every student. Today, libraries are a key part of kids’ learning.

There are many challenges facing libraries right now, but one of the most important is maintaining a focus on the students. When we lose the ability to fully engage the public, we lose the ability to deliver education to all. Other digital challenges include digital literacy and the needs of students in digital-first classrooms.


Digital Curriculum


The way we teach kids has greatly

changed during the past decade or so. Social media and other digital tools have greatly influenced how we teach kids. The way we teach various topics has also changed. There is an increasing emphasis on reading and writing and on using technologies other than traditional literacy methods. This is likely the result of the internet and related technologies taking over our once-solids.



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